Remember the Books of Accounts you received when registering your business? They require periodic renewal based on the type of books you’re using. If you need a refresher on this topic, you can find comprehensive information on bookkeeping here.


Here are the renewal deadlines for different types of books:


Manual Book of Accounts When you have only 5 pages left in your current books
Loose-leaf Book of Accounts Due on January 15
Computerized Book of Accounts Due on January 30


What do I need for renewing my books?


  1. Your BIR Form 1905 – Application for Registration Information Update/Correction/Cancellation. Filling out this form in advance with accurate details can save you time.
  2. A photocopy of the first page of the books you registered during your previous renewal. Although the BIR only requires one copy, it’s advisable to bring extras as a precaution.
  3. Your new Bound Journals and/or Ledgers.
  4. Your current BIR Form 0605 (verify the date).


During the renewal process, you will submit your completed Form 1905 and other documents at your RDO. They will stamp and register your new journals and/or ledgers.

Do you need help with getting a permit for your computerized or loose-leaf books? Ask an accountant from one of our Partner Firms, today.