freelancing contract

As a freelancer, you know that negotiating contracts is a crucial part of your business. These contracts protect your rights as a service provider and establish a solid foundation for the working relationship with your clients.

However, the negotiation process can often seem daunting, especially if you just started freelancing. With the right information and tactics, you can empower yourself to navigate these negotiations smoothly and secure contracts that benefit both you and your clients.

In the upcoming sections, we’ll dive into various types of freelance contracts you may encounter and provide tips on negotiating them. Whether you are a writer, graphic designer, a software developer, or a virtual assistant, you’ll find this guide valuable for building your freelancing career in the Philippines.


What is a freelancing contract?

A freelance contract is a legally binding written agreement between you, the freelancer, and your client. It outlines the scope of work, the payment terms and conditions, start and end dates, the timeline for the project, and other vital details. 

Remember, a good contract should protect the interests of both the freelancer and the client and should be reviewed and agreed upon before any work begins. Learning how to negotiate these contracts effectively will ensure you get fair compensation for your skills and time, prevent miscommunications, and protect you from legal disputes.

Why do you need to write a freelance contract?

A contract is crucial in establishing a professional and secure relationship between you and your client. This freelance agreement serves as a roadmap that clearly outlines your responsibilities, the services you are to provide, the payment you should receive, and the timeline for deliverables. 

When mutual understanding and agreement exist on these terms, the contract prevents potential misunderstandings that could harm the working relationship or result in unpaid work. Moreover, the contract provides legal protection for both parties. In case there’s a breach in the agreement or a dispute that cannot be resolved amicably, the contract is a legal document that can be referenced or enforced in a court of law.

Contracts also help prevent scope creep, which occurs when a project expands beyond its originally agreed-upon boundaries. If a client asks for additional work outside the contract’s scope, the freelancer can refer to the agreement and negotiate additional payment.

In essence, writing a freelance contract is more than a mere formality—it is a critical tool for protecting your rights, managing expectations, maintaining professionalism, and ensuring the stability of your freelance business.

Types of Freelance Contracts

 Types of Freelance Contracts 

Different freelance contracts can cater to your varying needs based on the type of project, the nature of the work, and the specific conditions of your client-freelancer relationship. It’s essential to understand each of these contracts to choose what fits your situation.

  • Basic Freelance Contract

A basic freelance contract is the most common type of agreement that details the nature of the work, deadlines, payment terms, and clauses for termination. This contract is straightforward and can be customized to suit different types of freelance work.

  • Independent Contractor Agreement

The Independent Contractor Agreement is a more detailed contract used when a client hires you as an independent contractor. This agreement specifies that you are not an employee and is responsible for your taxes and benefits. It also outlines the scope of work, payment, confidentiality, and intellectual property rights.

  • Work-For-Hire Agreement

In a Work-For-Hire Agreement, the client owns the copyright of the work produced by the freelancer. This type of contract is used by those in creative fields like writing, graphic design, and software development.

  • Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

A Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is used when the project involves sensitive information the client wants to keep confidential. The NDA prevents the freelancer from disclosing any private information obtained during the project to others.

  • Retainer Agreement

A Retainer Agreement is used when a client wishes to hire a freelancer for a certain period. The freelancer is paid monthly or bi-monthly, regardless of the work done. This contract is beneficial when a client requires a freelancer’s services on an ongoing basis.

Freelancing Contract Terms

 Freelancing Contract Terms 

Each term and clause in your contract serves a distinct purpose in protecting your interests and clarifying your professional relationships. These terms ensure that you and your clients have a mutual understanding of the responsibilities, obligations, and expectations involved in the engagement. 

Let’s explore some of the most common terms in freelance contracts that you should know.

  • Non-compete Clauses

Non-compete clauses are designed to prevent you, as a freelancer, from engaging in work that directly competes with the client during and for a certain period after the contract period. This clause seeks to protect the client’s business interests. However, you must ensure that the non-compete clause doesn’t excessively limit your ability to provide freelancing services with other clients in your industry.

  • Confidentiality Agreement

A confidentiality agreement is a clause that prohibits you from sharing any confidential or proprietary information that you may learn during your work with the client. This term is essential when you’re handling sensitive business information. Violation of the confidentiality agreement could lead to legal repercussions.

  • Payment Terms

This section of your freelance contract stipulates how much you’ll be paid, when you’ll be paid – typically within a specified time frame such as 30 days – and how payment will be made (e.g., via bank transfer, GCash, etc.). It may also include information about late payment fees applicable if payment has not been received within these 30 days and what happens if the project is canceled. Clear payment terms are essential to ensure you’re fairly compensated for your work and to prevent future disputes.

  • Termination Clauses

A termination clause outlines the conditions under which the agreement can be ended by either you or the client. It usually includes details about notice periods, breach of contract, and payments due upon termination. This clause is crucial as it protects you if the project ends unexpectedly.

  • Intellectual Property Rights

This part of the contract specifies who owns the rights to the work you produce as a freelancer. In some cases, you might retain the rights; in others, these rights might be transferred to the client upon payment. Clarity on this issue is crucial for creative freelancers such as writers, designers, and developers.

  • Scope of Work

This clause outlines the exact services you’re expected to provide, including the project’s tasks, deliverables, and objectives. You must  define the scope of work to prevent misunderstandings and scope creep, where the client requests additional work not initially agreed upon.

  • Revision Policy

A revision policy specifies the number of revisions included in the project cost and how additional revisions are handled. This helps ensure you’re not stuck in an endless cycle of revisions without additional compensation.

  • Dispute Resolution

This clause outlines the process for resolving disagreements that arise from the contract. It often specifies the jurisdiction (which country’s laws will govern the contract), and whether disputes will be handled through arbitration, mediation, or court action.

  • Liability Limitation

A liability limitation clause is used to limit the types and amount of damages one can recover from the other in case there’s a breach of contract, negligence, or other wrongdoing.

  • Force Majeure

This clause provides provisions for circumstances that are beyond your or your client’s control, such as natural disasters, war, or other “Acts of God,” which prevent the fulfillment of the project or contractual obligations. In such cases, the contract may be legally terminated or suspended without penalty.

  • Subcontracting

If you plan to delegate parts of the project to other freelancers, you may include in your freelance contract a subcontracting clause. This specifies whether subcontracting is allowed and under what conditions.

Freelancing Contract Negotiations

Negotiating your freelancing contract is an essential skill to master as a freelancer in the Philippines. It’s more than just about agreeing on the price; it involves ensuring the agreement reflects your value, protects your rights, and sets realistic expectations for you and your client. Below, we discuss some key considerations and strategies to remember during contract negotiations.

1. Communicating Your Value

Before entering any negotiation, it’s crucial to understand and be able to articulate your unique value proposition. This involves both your skills and qualifications and your experience, portfolio, and the unique aspects you bring to the project. Make sure to present your value proposition clearly and confidently. Remember, you are not merely selling a service but providing a solution to your client’s needs.

2. Setting Realistic Expectations

Your contract must set realistic and mutually agreed expectations. This includes the scope of work, deadlines, and payment terms. It’s essential to be transparent about what you can deliver and by when, and ensure this is reflected in the contract. Overpromising and under-delivering can harm your reputation and professional relationships.

3. Protecting Your Rights

Contract negotiations also involve safeguarding your rights as a freelancer. This includes negotiating fair payment terms, ensuring the contract protects you in case of project cancellation and understanding who owns the intellectual property of the work you create. 

4. Flexibility and Compromise

While it’s important to stand your ground on crucial aspects, remember that negotiations also involve a degree of flexibility and compromise. You might need to adjust your rates, revise the project timeline, or accommodate other client requests. The key is to balance meeting the client’s needs and ensuring you are fairly compensated and respected as a professional.

5. Documenting Agreements

Lastly, always remember that any changes or agreements made during negotiations should be documented in the contract. Verbal agreements can easily be forgotten or misunderstood. A contract serves as a written agreement or record of everything agreed upon and can be referred to if any issues or disputes arise.

Tax and Legal Considerations for Freelancers

Tax and Legal Considerations for Freelancers

While freelancing offers numerous benefits like flexibility and autonomy, it also comes with particular tax and legal responsibilities. Understanding these aspects is essential to ensure you’re compliant with regulations, protect your legal rights, and secure your financial future.

  • Classification of Workers

The first step is understanding your classification as a worker. You’re considered self-employed as a freelancer, with specific tax and legal implications. You’re responsible for managing your taxes and benefits, and you’re not entitled to certain protections granted to regular employees under labor laws.

  • Self-Employment Taxes

As a self-employed individual, you’re responsible for paying your own income taxes and contributions to the Social Security System (SSS), PhilHealth, and Pag-IBIG Fund. You must register with the BIR and regularly file and pay your taxes. Check this guide to help you file your self-employment taxes.

  • Record Keeping

Good record-keeping is vital. It helps you manage and monitor your income and expenses for tax purposes. This includes invoices, receipts, and contracts. These records help you when filing your taxes and provide a clear overview of your business finances.

  • Business Licenses and Permits

You may need to secure specific business licenses or permits depending on your services. Check with your local government unit (LGU) and relevant professional regulatory boards to ensure you operate legally.

  • Insurance

Consider getting insurance coverage for potential business risks. This could include professional liability insurance, which can protect you if a client sues for negligence or failure to deliver services as promised.

  • Compliance with Labor Laws

While you’re not entitled to the same protections as regular employees, labor laws still apply to freelancers, such as those relating to contracts and intellectual property. Familiarize yourself with these laws to ensure you’re protected.

  • Legal Protection

Finally, always ensure you have legal protection. This includes having legally sound contracts and seeking legal counsel if necessary. Also, having your contacts notarized can be a great way to ensure the legality of your contract.

Freelancing Contract Best Practices

Freelancing Contract Best Practices

With a few best practices, you can craft an agreement that secures both parties’ interests and paves the way for successful project completion. Check out our list of freelancing best practices when negotiating your contract:

  • Clearly Define the Scope of Work A well-defined scope of work sets the boundaries of your project. It clearly outlines what services you’re providing, along with deadlines and deliverables. The more detailed, the better, to prevent misunderstandings and scope creep later.
  • Be Specific about Payment – Your contract should detail how much you’ll be paid, when, and how. Include specifics about deposits, milestones, late payment fees, and procedures for extra work outside the agreed scope.
  • Protect Your Intellectual PropertyCreative freelancers must define who owns the rights to the work upon its completion. This could mean you retain all rights, transfer them to the client, or share them.
  • Include Termination Clauses – Outline conditions under which either party can end the contract. This should include notice periods, breach of contract scenarios, and payments due upon termination.
  • Communicate Effectively – Maintain open lines of communication with your client throughout the contract process. Ensure they understand all the contract terms, and that their expectations align with what’s outlined in the agreement.
  • Review Contracts RegularlyAs your freelancing business evolves, your contract templates should too. Regularly revisit and update your contracts to reflect service, rate, or business policy changes.
  • Have a Lawyer Review Your Contract – If you need clarification on any aspect of a contract, consult a legal professional. They can help you understand complex legal language and protect your interests.
  • Keep Records – Store a copy of all your contracts and any related correspondence. This can serve as vital evidence if any disputes arise in the future.
  • Be Open to Negotiation – Contracts are often a negotiation. Be prepared to discuss and adjust terms to reach a fair agreement that satisfies both parties.
  • Be Professional – Treat every contract as a testament to your professionalism. Ensure it’s well-structured, free of errors, and reflects the high standard of service you provide.

Complement Your Freelance Contracts with Beppo

Beppo App is every Filipino freelancer’s solution to staying on top of finances, budget, invoices, and taxes. On top of that, Beppo has advanced templates you can use to scale your freelancing business–from service agreements to project proposals.

Discover the full potential of the Beppo App. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Visit the Beppo website.
  2. Sign up using your email address and password.
  3. Fill in the form using your personal information and upload a valid government-issued ID.
  4. Head to the What’s New Banner upon account verification and accomplish the form.

Connect with Beppo to know more: Or visit our website